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My claims of fraud against ICBC and its employees

All the names in this post are of defendants in BC Supreme Court claims numbers 245869 and 246736. The claims are public record for anyone to access through the court registry.

I am suing ICBC employees Beata Swiwinski and Edward Leung for fraud and will detail my claim against them and ICBC to expose ICBC as the corrupt and dysfunctional organization that it is.
I was rear ended by Jame Joseph Donald, whom I describe as a psychopath and a dangerous criminal. The psychopath works for the City of Burnaby in the sewer department. After he rear ended me he got one of his friends, Sterling Rychkun, who also works at the city of Burnaby to lie and told ICBC that I cut off James Joseph Donald and slammed on the brakes.
I filee a claim against the two for fraud.

ICBC adjuster Beata Siwinski and her manager Edward Leung, believed the driver and the witness story so much that they decided to fabricate statements themselves and claimed I made those statements. Beata Swiwinski, a fraudster, claimed that I made admissions and contradictory statements by fabricating statements and claimed I made them. She was directed by her manager, the other fraudster, Edward Leung, to make up those statements. Unfortunately for both of them, all my statements to the fraudster Beata Siwinski, were in writing so they knew if I found out they made those claims against me I would expose their fraud.

Beata Siwinski made up those statements in a document called the Rationale which is basically a document detailing her reasons for determining me 100% responsible accident, responsible for having been rear ended. That document was supposed to be released to me to inform me of the reasons but of course if they released it to me I would've found out about their fraud so they concealed it from me with the help of Ryan Ruggles, a Freedom of Information Officer at ICBC, and instead she emailed me and lied to me about the reasons.

You wonder why fabricate statements on a documents that I would never see, simply because every adjuster and manager who looks at my file will review the adjuster's and her manager's notes and this Rationale document and make their decision on that basis. Their fraud was to make sure that no matter who I complained to I would not succeed in convincing them because I never knew what I was accused of to defend myself against. I had no clue those criminals fabricated that evidence against me.

I filed the claims one year ago, one against the frausters James Joesph Donald, and one against ICBC, Beata Siwinsi, Edward Leung and several other ICBC emplyees. To this day ICBC has been doing everything it can to conceal those facts and thus far they have been successful. But it is not over yet.
They hired three lawyers, at our expense of course (BC insured), to defend the fraudsters. You would think that I mean Beata Swinski and Edward Leung only but no, ICBC appointed two lawyers to defend the two fraudsters James Joseph Donald and Sterling Rychkun who I am suing for fraud in an entirely separate claim where they are the only two people named in n the claim. ICBC is defending fraudsters because in this case it suits ICBC. You see the way civil tort works is that their has to be an element of loss in order to have cause for action. So if I lose my claim against the two fraudsters James Joseph Donald and Sterling Rychkun, then they can prove that I was responsible for the accident and hence the loss is my responsibility, basically no loss can be blamed on anyone else. In that case no loss means no cause for action against the ICBC fraudsters Beata Siwinski and Edward Leung. That's how they are trying to escape responsibility. 


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